This is the last night for the ICIS Doctoral consortium and so far, I am very happy to have come here--overall. There are good and bad points, which I want to cover here very briefly. I will have more notes later, but this is the high points.
Alan Dennis' comments about setting goals was great. His plan of doing one publication submission per month (including resubmissions, revisions, etc.) is a good way to get a good research stream going. I may need to modify that somewhat to enable more work in the summers and during the Christmas break, but in general that is an excellent plan.
He also suggested that you should only have one project that you are working on at a time (maybe two) - and spend 15 mins per day EVERY DAY on each active project...even if that is just writing one paragraph.
Lynne Markus advised us to look at three questions when writing/planning qualitative papers:
1. What are the three most interesting results, findings, conclusions, etc.?
2. How would you write a paper about each one?
3. What literature is relevant to those questions individually?
There are many, many other good comments that I will include later.
Lynne and Laurie pooh-poohed my research, which was very disappointing. More on that later, but the essence of it is that I need to do several things: (1) clear up the concept of an ecosystem, especially compared to technological communities (wade), Brian Butler's work on virtual communities, and other similar things; no surprise there, but it still shocked me how negative they seemed to be and how they were displeased with my insufficient lit review; (2) capital may not seem to be a great way to look at it -- instead think of resources, which I sort of disagree with, but LM said it matches the notion of an ecosystem to think of resources.
There were other negative comments, but I do not feel like looking them up at the present time.
As I said, more later -- but it is clear that I have a lot, lot, LOT of work to do!!
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