Help! We're under attack!

Posted on CNN and elsewhere, 3 of the 13 'key Internet computers' were were under attack by a massive hack attack. According to the CERT center,
At approximately 0001 GMT on 6 Feb 2007, several root-level DNS servers began receiving a large volume of malformed DNS queries. This initial attack appears to have been a warm-up for a much larger attack that began at 1000 GMT.

DNS servers G (U.S. DOD Network Information Center), L (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), and M (WIDE Project) appear to have been the most severely impacted although none were ever unreachable. The servers were operational and reachable even with the high volume of traffic.

Fortunately, we internet users did not know what was hitting us. Unfortunately, this is becoming more and more likely. Buckle up.


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