What a good week...so far

What a difference a week makes! I can now see clearly to what I have to do to get out of here.
  • No, I do not have a good coding template yet, but I am well on the way to having one. The new, new one has a lot of good points going for it, but I will have to go back over it again, which sorta stinks but is better than the previous one.
  • The interviews since 1/24 (four, with 2 more for this week and one to reschedule) have been outstanding! I can honestly say that I have learned a lot about the cases that I have been studying and also about the software industry in general. Lots of good info on all fronts!
  • Received official invitation to a think-tank that will cover the area that I am doing for my dissertation and my writing for the next 4-5 years. Should be an excellent way to get some great contacts. I can even see how this could lead to some personal equity-building activities.
  • Wrote a brief which should set up my dissertation writeup, which my advisors think would be ok. Additionally, they want to work on a separate case, which should satisfy the aspirations of the CEO of the case firm.
  • Worked on two other non-dissertation related projects, both of which should lead to publications.
A great, great week indeed! Now for the next week, I need to work very, very hard on coding and data analysis to see if I will be able to produce some meaningful insights...


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