Failure to meet goals

What a failure. I did not meet the goals stated for the previous week. Not even close. But I have had some successes, though. I conducted four interviews, with another set for tomorrow. I have 1 scheduled for next week with two other interviews very likely. I got good news on two other publications, one that I did not know I was a part of. I have plenty of work to do in addition to this dissertation stuff, but I insist on completing this one. I also got invited to a very, very nice conference in Napa, CA that will do wonders for my professional contacts in the next line of research. Wonders, I tell you.

But I have not finalized my coding scheme or coded more interviews. THAT is disgusting.

I am not making new goals for the upcoming week other than to work as hard as I can!

Anything else is clearly unacceptable.

** EDIT: 5/3/2008: Image removed.


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