2006 in Review: Accomplishments

This post is to remind myself of all the things that I did in 2006 - just as a reminder that I am not a total idiot even though the dissertation process can make you feel like one.

1. Defended my dissertation proposal.
2. Published a book chapter, a marketing article (actually submitted in 2005), a nursing conference paper, and two MIS articles (CAIS). One other article on education is under review.
3. Ran a successful mini-track (with other folks) and agreed to run the mini-track for a third year.
4. Coordinated the first round of revisions on a special issue of a journal (with two others).
5. Taught two classes for the second time each: data management and network management.
6. Got a job in a tough market (perhaps the most important thing on the list, workwise).
7. Did two trips for my dissertation. Three if you count Evergreen as a pilot study (and I will!)
8. Got most of the data collected for my first case study site. Most, but not all.
9. Helped put a conference together for the ISDSA and ran (successfully) for President this year.
10. Learned quite a lot about qualitative research, ecology/ecosystems, and [critical] realism for my dissertation.
11. Watched my kids get older, taller, bigger, smarter, etc. - which is the most rewarding thing on this list.

All in all, not a bad year for a doctoral student!!


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